World in 2050
The world in 2050 _ CLICK HERE Watch this video⏩
Bitcoin will be the world's major currency
Some economists say that Bitcoin can acquire FIAT after the next global economic crisis. It is predicted to occur in 1–3 years from now. Whether this happens really fast or not, it will certainly happen in 10-20 years and people will think of the money being issued by the government by 2050 as something from the socialist era of the 20th century. Some other cryptocurrencies with Bitcoin will survive with some advantages, but their total usage will be less than 10% of Bitcoin usage.
Super AI will transcend human intelligence

Robots will take over our jobs
From our haircut to the restaurant serving us and our cooking, robots will be able to perform all the physical tasks that we do in just a few decades. Since many jobs have already been replaced by robots, progress is inevitable.
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