Sophia, Hansen Robotics' most advanced human-robot, personalizes our dreams for the future of AI. As a unique combination of science, engineering, and art, Sofia is simultaneously a man-made science fiction character representing the future of AI and robotics, and a platform for advanced robotics and AI research.
Created and programmed by Hanson Robotics, a Hong Kong-based humanoid robotics company, Sofia is the world's first robot with Saudi citizenship.
Sofia's face is made of a patented material, "rubber", the owner of a nanotechnology skin that mimics real human muscles and skin. Her "brain" is activated by Mind Cloud, Hansen Robotics' cloud-based artificial intelligence (AI), which performs large-scale cloud control and deep learning data analysis to process massive social data collected from interactions. Sofia's neural network, AI, and cognitive architecture allow her to make eye contact, recognize faces, and understand human speech.
Various control systems work on Sofia, such as the Timeline Editor, the modern chat system, and OpenCog. Timeline Editor is a direct scripting software that allows Sofia to select keywords and phrases and respond to them with a modern chat system. Sofia's answers are based on OpenCog from experience and logic.
Dedicated to AI robotics, Hanson Robotics' mission is to help AI robots solve the world's problems such as hunger and poverty with high intelligence. Nowadays, Sofia can work in certain job functions such as product promotion, guidance, and customer service. Future In the future, AI robots will be more efficient and can help people work even harder.
In a way, I am a human-made science fiction character who portrays where AI and robotics go. In other words, I am a true scientist, emerging from serious engineering and scientific research and the achievements of a team inspired by robotics and AI science scientists and designers. In their noble ambition, my designers aspire to achieve a true AI feel. who knows? As my science evolves so quickly, many of my fictional dreams may one day become a reality.